Popular Songs Lyric | Kumpulan Lirik Lagu - Lagu Populer, Favorit, Top, Terbaik, Masa Kini dan Nostalgia Sepanjang Masa

Lirik Lagu Bryan Adams - Straight From The Heart

I could start dreamin' but it'd never end

As long as you're gone we may as well pretend

I've been dreamin'

Straight from the heart

You said it's easy but who's to say

That we'd be able to keep it this way

But it's easier

Comin' straight from the heart

Give it to me straight from the heart

Tell me we can make another start

You know I'll never go - as long as I know

It's comin' straight from the heart

I'll see you on the street some other time

And all our words would just fall outta line

While we're dreamin'

Straight from the heart

Give it to me straight from the heart

Tell me we can make one more start

You know I'll never go - as long as I know

It's comin' straight from the heart

- Lirik Lagu Straight From The Heart - Bryan Adams | Cuts Like a Knife | 1983

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